
At Lakewood Elementary, we use a developmentally appropriate curriculum for our young scholars. We include all cognitive and academic, social-emotional learning, and experiences to support individual students to become successful, life-long learners. Click the images below to learn more about our specialized curriculum.


Tools of the Mind
tools of the mind
Whole-child Oriented
Whole-child oriented
Play Learn
Resources and Related Services
Read It Once Again

Whole-child Oriented

Focusing on the whole child means that we foster holistic growth-cognitive, social, emotional, physical, creative problem solving, critical thinking, sense of community, self-regulation, and sense of citizenship.

At Lakewood, we strive to nurture and strengthen each scholar’s individual strengths and needs seamlessly throughout the day.

We aim to incorporate pre-academic and academic foundational skills in a variety of settings that encourage deep thinking and resilience, while building collaborative relationships in play and learning.

Tools of the Mind

At Lakewood, we use the Tools of the Mind curriculum in all classrooms that have students age 4. Tools of the Mind is a research-based early childhood curriculum that works with our scholars of all abilities to develop cognitive, social-emotional, self-regulatory skills alongside foundational academic skills that are required for all citizens to succeed in school, work, and life.

Tools of the Mind is a unique approach to teaching and learning for young scholars. It was built on research-based strategies, includes purposeful play themes and focuses on engaging math, literacy, science, social studies, social, and physical engagement throughout every aspect of the day.


Play-based learning can help set your young learners up for success. A great deal of research has concluded that learning through play is genuine and has a positive impact on an individual’s learning and holistic development.

Through play-based learning:
1. Individuals take on an active role in the learning environment
2. Individuals are engaged
3. Information and concepts are meaningful
4. Learners interact in variety of social contexts

Engaging socially, making connections to lives, developing vocabulary and grammar, and staying mentally active are all characteristics that happen in play.  Engaging in play activates the brain in meaningful ways and strengthens brain development.

We strive to construct purposeful play experiences where students show-case their understanding and learning daily.

Resources and Related Services

Additionally, we offer resource classes in visual arts and physical education. Scholars engage in a variety of activities, projects, and movement challenges to assist with meeting the goal of educating the whole child.
-Physical Education

Some of our scholars may require additional supports from a variety of related service providers. At Lakewood, we strive to engage purposefully and carry over targeted skills into the classroom, play, and beyond. Our classroom educators work closely with the providers to incorporate best practices into every scholar’s day.

Our team includes:
-Speech and Language
-Occupational Therapy
-Physical Therapy
-Social Work

Read It Once Again

At Lakewood, our half-day programs use the Read It Once Again curriculum. Read It Once Again is a comphrensive curriculum that works on providing a strong literacy-based foundation and development of basic skills. Students work on achieving developmental milestones throughout the curriculum.